"To choose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing
immobility as a means of transportation." — Yann Martel

What We Offer

Individual Couples/Partnerships Groups Organizations Leadership

Individual Coaching: PeopleWise offers the tools to identify your core values and expand how you think about yourself. We also offer conversations that introduce language and communication models to increase your effectiveness. We consider the whole being: the body, the mind, and the spiritual requirements to determine strategies for reaching your goals.

Couples and Partnerships — Personal and Professional: A systems-oriented model shifts away from the all too typical norm in a partnership of complaining and blaming. Instead of defining “what is wrong” or “what is missing”, the goal when entering into this process is to rebuild a system that is more of the one in which both members of the partnership want to work and live.

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Groups – Practicing the Art of Strategic Conversation: The systems-oriented approach to groups believes that who we are in the group has more to do with the phase of development of the group than it does with what any one individual brings into the mix. The group experience offers the unique opportunity to not take your self “just personally”, but rather you experience your contribution as energy for building the system.

See more about groups.

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Leadership Development: Leadership is a state of being. We want to emphasize, showing up as a leader is not a role we adopt only when we go to work or to a community meeting; it is a way of being in all areas of our life. It is the way we show up inside of our families and with our friends. It’s the way we show up for rites of passage and for celebration, how we say hello to the new and say good-bye to the old. Leaders know how to hold vision and to develop it. Finding the meaning of leadership is inside of every one of us. We will share with you the language, the attitude and commitment that leadership requires. We guarantee you, this journey is worth it!

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To learn more, contact Lucy Fine at 415-641-8551
or email: lucy@peoplewise.org.

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